Franchy is Working on a Five Song Demo Mix Coming out April

Franchy is from the Bronx in New York City where she was inspired by the life and culture in the surrounding area. Franchy started out with a karaoke machine when she was younger to be able to produce her own music and elevate her lyrical skills gaining the ability to tell a story through her life experiences, expanding the meaning of being an artist. 

“It’s amazing what potential we all have when putting work into it!”- Franchy 

Music for Franchy is more than just sound, it’s energy. A way for herself and her fans to direct their emotions and make music about what is real instead of following a trend. Inspired by Michael Jackson and John Lennon, Franchy learned from these great artists how to tell a story and be influential for positivity. Franchy is a newer artist pumping out song after song determined to become something bigger than life itself. If you are into artists who are genuine and really about making music with depth then Franchy is the artist for you. 

Franchy is working on a five song demo mix coming out April first 2022. The inspiration behind this release is just Franchy having the time of her life making music. Making music to her is more about the enjoyment of creating a project and not needing to feel validated. Speaking the truth about her experiences in life while having fun. Franchy believes in being cool and respected over being hot and disrespected meaning if she is going to be recognized for her music, it is going to be through positive recognition not because of stunts to get publicity. Everything she does is natural. The overall message Franchy wants her fans to know is be inspired and have fun doing whatever it is you wanna do, be the change you want to be. Make sure to tune in April first 2022 for Franchy’s newest release along with the rest of her discography on Spotify and Apple Music.


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